gangasagar hotels and cottages

The Gangasagar Mela is a sacred gathering that happens every year at the time of Makar Sankranti on the holy confluence of the Ganga River and the Bay of Bengal. Taking a dip during the holy hours of Makar Sankranti is said to wash away all past sins. Faithful Hindus have been performing this ritual from ancient times, as we find the mention of Gangasagar in the ancient texts of the Ramayana and the Mahabharata, establishing the rituals to date back to around 400 BCE.

Even in later times, Hindus have sought this pilgrimage higher than any other. ‘Sab tirtha Barbar, Gangasagar Akbar’ used to be the saying. According to legends, the path trading to Gangasagar was interlaced with dangers at every step. The devotees had to pass through the jungles where there were dangers of tigers, and the water bodies were full of crocodiles. Even then, Hindu devotees wanted to make this pilgrimage at least once in their lifetime to wash away their sins and attain moksha.

The days have changed, and now anyone who wishes to go to Gangasagar can visit the place without facing any trouble. However, the significance of the Gangasagar Mela has remained the same. Every year, you’ll find thousands of pilgrims crowding the place to take the holy dip during Makar Sankranti.

With the rise in the number of pilgrims, the number of Gangasagar hotels and cottages has also increased significantly. These hotels have a particularly busy time during Makar Sankranti, providing food and accommodation to all pilgrims and a warm and pleasing stay.

Though Gangasagar Mela hotel booking can be done at any time of the year, Makar Sankranti calls for special attention. It’s best to book hotels and cottages in Gangasagar early as the accommodations are limited, and early booking will confirm your stay.

You need a warm and comfortable stay in Gangasagar as you prepare yourself for the holy dip, and the Gangasagar hotels and cottages offer you just that. Most of the hotels are very near to the Kapil Muni Ashram and the banks of Sagar, which makes taking the bath convenient. You don’t have to walk for miles to reach the banks, and you can easily take the dip and walk your way back to the hotel you are staying in.

Accommodation plays a crucial factor at the Gangasagar Mela during Makar Sankranti, and the Gangasagar hotels and cottages try their very best to provide their services to any and everyone who needs them.

This year, the Gangasagar Mela 2024 accommodation booking started early, and lakhs of pilgrims from all over the country came to this sacred place to attain peace and moksha. If you want, you can still book hotels and cottages in this sacred confluence and visit Gangasagar, which is marked by centuries of legends and the footsteps of countless pilgrims.

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